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Get involved with Thrive Fest and contribute to empowering youth well-being! As a volunteer or exhibitor, you’ll play a crucial role in creating a positive impact on mental health.

Join us in building a supportive community and promoting wellness among our youth.

Want to be an exhibitor?

We are thrilled you want to be an exhibitor at Thrive Fest, as it offers us a unique platform to showcase your organization’s dedication to supporting youth mental health and well-being. Being part of ThriveFest allows you to directly engage with the community, share valuable resources, and contribute meaningfully to this important cause.

Sign up here!

Interested in volunteering?

Volunteering at Thrive Fest offers a unique opportunity to make an impact on youth mental health and well-being. By joining our team of dedicated volunteers, you can contribute to creating a supportive and uplifting environment for attendees. We offer various volunteering areas, such as assisting with painting on a large canvas or welcoming guests at the entrance. When completing the form, please indicate your preferred area of interest to maximize your contribution.

I want to volunteer!